Posts Tagged ‘#writer #concert #photography #linkinpark #screenwriter’

Z Day is Here: One Year Later has been out a few months now and doing great.  It took a while, but the book is finally listed on the publishers website.

One of the side projects I do is running a blog/review website (  The site has been down for a little while….ok, way too long, but it is being resurrected. We have some great writers, some new and some long time writers and will even have some guest writers joining us in the future.  On the site, we review anything pop culture related, from movies, TV, music, and beer, to book, photography, and “Manly” products.  There is a little of everything on there. The site should be up in the next couple days. I tend to write more about music, since next to movies, music is a MAJOR part of my life.  So please be sure to check it out and share it with your friends.

ON the writing side of my life, I am working on a few different projects. A couple of them I can not talk about, but once I am able to, please believe I will be talking about them until I am blue in the face. One I can talk about is a new horror script I have started working on. I wrote the outline a few months ago and have been working slowly on it, developing it into something marketable and fresh.  As most people know, I am a HUGE fan of horror, mostly slasher films from the 80’s, and have felt like lately horror has been watered down way too much. I feel like what the studios are pushing out and what people really want to see are two totally different things. I think we have reached a point in movie making, where people flock to the theater to see the latest remake and sequel in hopes that it will capture the feelings we had the first time we saw it, but mostly we leave disappointed. Now, I am a fan of a well made sequel and have often expressed my love of the Dawn of the Dead remake from 2004, but more often than not, the remakes tend to turn out like the unbelievably awful Day of the Dead remake.  So I strive to write something new and exciting, something that could spawn horrible sequels for years to come.  Something that feels familiar, yet completely new. I have to give a major shout out to Mitch Hyman for helping me and giving me pointers on it.  Mitch has been a big help on lots of my writings and deserves all the fame and fortune that comes his way!   I’ll post a little more once I have more written on it and will keep everyone up to date with the developments.

Lots going on over here (as usual). For starters, the serial killer script I wrote will start filming in March. I’ll post when they begin auditions.
My Kids picture book ‘Sometime I am scared of Zombies’ is almost finished; with Melissa Schneider and Brandon Peter putting the finishing touches on the illustration. I have seen them and they are fantastic! The book should be out in the next month or so.
Just started work on a new project can’t give too much info on it yet, but it is a fun writing project that is completely non horror related and a little out of my element, but I like the challenge.
Also, I am working on a Cryptozoology anthology book with fellow author/friend Alisha Sams. The stories are kooky, bloody, and lots of fun. I don’t have a release date on that yet, but I am hoping by early 2013.
Another fun thing I have been doing lately is concert photography and reviews.
I went to Mayhem fest and got some great pics. I’m going to be shooting the LInkin Park/Incubus concert Sunday and Uproar fest I believe in September. So keep an eye out for those pics and reviews of the shows.
In October, I will be running the authors programming at Spooky Empire in Orlando, FL. We have some AMAZING authors both new and existing this year. R.L. Steine and Heather Brewer are just two of the big names he have released so far! I’ll be down there the entire week again this year and can’t wait to see all my “family”.
Other than all the writing and photography, we have moved to a new city. We are now about an hour outside Atlanta and much closer to the mountains. Sure it is a little far out there, but I really love the peace and quiet out here, plus we’re on a big lake, which is always beautiful.
I promise to try to write more often.